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School Discipline
Guidelines to Follow
75% attendance is compulsory for all students failing which he/she may not be eligible for promotion, if applicable. The percentage may be relaxed on medical grounds or any other unavoidable emergency circumstances. Repetitive absence without leave or un-explained absence for more than 3 consecutive days may render the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Readmission may be granted only on the payment of fresh re-admission fee, at the discretion of the principal.
o No leave of absence is granted except on an application from parents or guardians for plausible reasons only.
o A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s certificate, permitting him/her to attend the school.
Withdrawal / Suspension
In case for any reason, a student after taking admission in the school wishes to withdraw, only caution money will be refunded, subject to clearance of all dues payable to the school. In no circumstances, any dues payable to the school will be adjusted against the caution money. A written notice of withdrawal must be given one month in advance or one month’s tuition fee must be paid in lieu thereof.
A student may be asked to leave the school at the discretion of the Director / Principal on any one of the. following grounds
o Disciplinary
o Unsatisfactory progress in work
o Detention or repeated detention in a class.
o Any other ground that the Principal deems necessary/ appropriate in the interest of the school and its students.